Ticket Faster Scam

Ticket faster scams are instances when one fails to get the actual ticket for the event they need to attend. It is the last experience one would want to have after waiting for an event or a show to go and cheer favorite teams, and fans and gets to see the best singers perform live. It feels very frustrating. 

In the event of a ticket scam, one does not get the chance to see their team or performances if the show is sold out. Two things that stand out in a ticket faster scam are;

Making one miss an occasion they had planned to go. Losing money.

Where are Tickets used?

TheatreTheatres are places where proceedings such as acting, stand-up comedy, music symphony, ballet dancing, and movie watching happen. The tickets can be bought online and then picked up at the theatre. They can also be issued right from the kiosk.

1. Transport

Transport are means by which people travel from one place to another. Examples are buses, trains, airplanes & boats. For one to use any means of transport, they require tickets. They may be issued at the time of travel or in advance when booking to travel later. For one to acquire the tickets, they can visit the online services.

2. Tourist Attractions

One way to have fun with friends and family is by visiting tourist attraction sites. To get access to the sites one presents a ticket. Most of the tickets are purchased online.

3. Amusement parks

These are places where people go to have fun and leisure mainly children. For instance, water slides bouncing castles, Roller coasters, zip-lining, go-cat racing, bumper cars, and ferry wheel. To visit these places, tickets are required.

Networks that sell tickets

1. Ticketmaster

It is a legal company used by many venues to sell tickets for events. There are cases of Ticketmaster scams where account holders who have paid for tickets fail to receive them or are given the wrong ones.

In the occurrence of a Ticketmaster scam, one is supposed to get help from the helpline desk by first logging into one’s account, making a request in the get help section, then providing all the information relating to the ticket sale, after which one waits patiently to be contacted.

2. Everbrite

This is a worldwide website. Customers use it to search, buy and sell and share tickets to events. Events may include but are not limited to sporting, charity, and music concerts. There have been incidences where people receive fake tickets.

Some of the irregularities found in a fake ticket include, wrong ink, spellings, and color and the paper also may have a light texture. Getting the right ticket is possible but getting a refund is not possible.

3. Seat Geek

It is a website for face-to-face tickets. One can get face Vocal band tickets. Problems arising from the website include the price paid being different from the price on the receipt.

4. Craigslist

Tickets are sold by finding emails for potential buyers and responding to their interests and staying firm on one’s tickets. In case of a ticket scam on Craigslist, DoNotPay can help one get a chargeback from the provider.

How can one avoid a ticket scam?

Identifying the venue where the tickets are sold and purchased. Checking with the event organizers to be able to get the official lists to know who to trust. When buying online tickets buy from known and trusted vendors. Check the seller’s profile and be careful what you share. Look for information from websites that are trusted. Before purchasing a ticket, one can ask for proof and check if they are similar to proofs from the same ticket sights.

How is a ticket scam solved?

Filing a report with the policeReporting the scam to the federal trade commissionSolving with DoNotpay. This is the most common and quick way to get justice. DoNotpay is a chat box that helps avoid paying money up front and not getting what is paid for. It helps in creating a petition to identify a ticket scam. Once you identify a ticket scam it helps you report it.


Getting conned online is generally very easy. It feels very terrible when a scammer takes advantage and gives fake tickets. Money is hard to get and when a person struggles to get money and then is denied the chance to use it as intended, the feeling is not good. Having the right information about any ticket can be of much help. A ticket scam cannot hinder people from having fun or traveling since every problem has a solution no matter how hard they may seem.

Ticket Faster Scam   All About It  - 44