Bravely Second follows the story of Yew Geneolgia, a cavalier sworn to serve Agnès. One day, a shadowy figure named Kaiser Oblivion disrupts the peace of the world after kidnapping Agnès. Our knight charges forward and will be joined by past heroes Tiz Arrior, Edea Lee, and newcomer Magnolia Arch. It’s up to Yew to save her holiness and the world of Luxendarc.  

The title continues and improves upon the risk and reward system of Bravely Default. For example, you can take several actions in a row in the hopes it’ll destroy your enemies. The downside is that you’ll be unable to take actions for a number of turns. Some new features include consecutive battles, where you can keep fighting to gain more experience and rewards as long as you’d like. If you lose once, however, you will lose all experience and rewards gained.

With 30 jobs (and outfits) in total and new challenges afoot, it’s time to get bold. Bravely Second: End Layer is now available via the Nintendo eShop and at major retailers.