The grievous wrongdoing came about because of medication managing between the person in question and the killers. Gary owed cash to the person in question, Jeffrey, for weed, so he came from Texas to Mississippi to get that.

Timothy Milano is carrying out his punishment in jail. The jury has sentenced him so that there is no chance of parole, so he is entirely far-fetched to be set free from prison.

The name and subtleties of the specific jail he is carrying out his punishment are not accessible, be that as it may, without a doubt, he is some place in the USA, presumably lamenting the wrongdoing he carried out.

The main update about the Jeffrey Wolfe Murder case was given in 2012. There were two individuals sentenced for the homicide of Jefferey Wolfe, Timothy Milano, and Gary Simmons. Gary was condemned to capital punishment, and Timothy was condemned to life in detainment.

As pronounced by the jury, Gary was given a capital punishment with a deadly infusion on June 20, 2012. He was 49 years of age during the sentence. He was the person who needed the body Wolfe after Milano shot him, and he additionally assaulted Wolfe’s better half.

Timothy Milano’s age is 44 years of age. He was born in 1977. He carried out the wrongdoing in 1996. He was the person who shot Jeffrey Wolfe horribly. After he shot Jeffrey, he helped Gary Millano convey the dissected body in the can to conceal the grievous wrongdoing.

At a youthful age, he carried out a merciless wrongdoing that it is suspicious he will see the brilliant sunshine outside the jail. Much data about Timothy Milano’s family is inaccessible. The main data accessible is that he was an ex-brother-in-law of his accessory Gary Simmons.

Subsequent to hearing the case, the jury prosecuted him for homicide and hijacking; he was then condemned to life in jail alongside thirty years for abducting. Both of these will be served sequentially.

As indicated by the fundamental observer of the wrongdoing and survivor of assault, Charlene Leaser, Timothy shot somewhere around four rounds to kill Jeffrey Wolfe. After Jeffrey fell on the ground horribly, Gary took the body to the washroom and slice it down to pieces.

Gary additionally secured Charlene in the case and assaulted her, however later she got away and called the police. From that point forward, hoodlums were gotten.