In the new trailer for Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep DLC, we see BL2’s version of D&D, “Bunkers & Badasses.”
In the new DLC, we see our favorite Vault Hunters in their own version of a tabletop D&D game with Tiny Tina serving as Dungeon Bunker Master. From the looks of the trailer, we will be getting some new badasses and some of our favorite characters will be making an appearance. I know I’m super excited to see Angel again.
The DLC seems to continue to play like Borderlands 2, but, like the trailer says, you got to roll for initiative. The Vault Hunters will adventure through this fantasy world as they would in Pandora. Tiny Tina, as BM, will be able to change the world on a whim, so that should be fun. I can only imagine what the world’s deadliest 13 year old will think of.
Of course she thinks of this…
Ellie as Slave Leia? I don’t know how Scooter will be able to keep his hands off of her, or how she will relate to Dragon Keep. It’s funny, nonetheless.
So get your badonkadonk over to XBox Live, PlayStation Network, or Steam and pick up the newest DLC from Borderlands 2.