Tomas and his significant other Beatriz Zimmerman allegedly isolated not well before he seized his girls. Tomas Gimeno’s Edad (age) is 37 years of age. Be that as it may, there could be no other information accessible about his introduction to the world.

Tomas Gimeno’s true Wikipedia has not been refreshed at this point. On April 27, Tomas took the girls from their mom for a short visit. The previous couple had a casual concession to appearance rights.

Soon thereafter, Beatriz went to take the young ladies home however nobody was home. At the point when she called Tomas, he said he was out with the young ladies for supper and would drop them home later.

At the point when he didn’t drop them home, Beatriz called him once more. This time, Tomas answered that she’d never see him or the young ladies again, yet he’d take great consideration of them.

Notwithstanding, following a month of examination, one of the missing young ladies, Olivia is discovered dead in Tenerife. She was found in a sack at the lower part of the ocean. She was overloaded by the anchor from her dad’s boat.

There was another sack also. However, the pack was open and void. The specialists presume Olivia’s younger sibling Anna was taken care of and may have glided away.

The insights regarding Tomas Gimeno’s familia and guardians are not accessible on the web. His folks referenced Tomas visited them upon the arrival of vanishing and said something that seemed like a goodbye. Tomas Gimeno couldn’t be followed on Facebook.

— Nob Ody (@nobodytweetnob) June 10, 2021

Facebook as well as couldn’t be found on some other web-based media handles like Twitter or Instagram. Tomas Gimeno’s whereabouts stay obscure right now. Police are as yet looking for him.

He vanished alongside his little girls. He moved around 55,000 euros prior to running away to Tenerife by boat. Regardless of whether he is alive and secluded from everything or dead is as yet a secret.