Therefore the cost varies, some of the variations are seen below

The United States charges $3200 to $8500California may charge around $8300Arizona price ranges from about $4000 to $7500Arkansas also may charge about $6,582Nigeria may charge around $500

Tonsillectomy procedure

This procedure is usually done by otorhinolaryngologists. These are surgeons that specialize in the care of the ear, nose, and throat. This varies from place to place. However, there is the first need to anesthetize the patient so that the patient won’t feel pain and be cooperative. Appropriate aseptic techniques are used to prevent infection as much as possible. Surgical instruments are then used to get the tonsils out and the process is completed.

Indications for Tonsillectomy

When there is a recurrent sore throat that is distressingSuspicion of malignancy, meaning cancer of the tonsils. When a patient could not eat due to a problem with the tonsils and the patient is losing weight. Tonsils that are so distressing that daily activities and work. Very painful tonsil preventing a child from going to schoolObstructive tonsils. This can be detected when there is an obstruction to feeding, breathing, and even swallowing saliva.

Complications of Tonsillectomy

There can be bleedingThere can be infection if tonsillectomy is not done in a hygienic environmentThere can be painDamage to surrounding structures may occur during anesthesia and surgeries can occur. An example is malignant hyperthermia which means an excessive rise in temperature.

The cost of tonsillectomy depends on

The place the tonsillectomy is doneThe age of the patientPresences of underlying comorbiditiesThe type of anesthetic technique usedThe body mass of the patient

Concerning the place: Different countries have the machines used, and the cost of machines might influence the cost of procedures, however, government own institutions usually do procedures at subsidized rate compare to the private own hospitals. This is because there are ways people in the country pay taxes for their health. However, for Private own hospitals, the source of found is usually the owner.

The age of patients is a great determining factor for cost: Tonsillectomy is relatively much easier in children than in adults. The time spend on doing tonsillectomy for adults is also much. If workers are to be paid hourly, then those that do tonsillectomy for adults will be more paid than those that do for children. Invariably Age may be directly proportional to cost. The presence of underlying comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes are great determinants: This is because patients with these conditions have extra requirements compared to those without these conditions. To do this surgery for someone with diabetes that is uncontrollable for example, there may be a need to infuse insulin while doing the surgery. This will add to the cost of the surgery.

Type of anesthetic technique: Usually, a general anesthetic technique is used for tonsillectomy and it is usually very expensive when compared to local and regional techniques.

Body mass of the patient: This is the ratio of weight to height. People who are more obese may require extra materials for surgery than people who are less obese.

It Should the Noted That, No Matter the Cost, Tonsillectomy is Worth Doing Because of These:

Feeling of good health is guaranteedOne tends to be more productiveThe risk of malignancy is no more if there is suspicion of cancer of the tonsilsOne will be able to eat well and drink with ease


The cost of tonsillectomy varies from place to place. No matter how high the cost is, it is better to get the tonsils removed once the doctor recommends removal.

Frequently asked Questions

  1. I left Nigeria for the united kingdom, how much will I get my tonsils removed?

It depends on the place you want to do the Tonsillectomy and your ability to get health insurance.

  1. The cost of Tonsillectomy is too high in my place, what should I do?

It is better to save till the time you will do it because it is only when you are healthy that you will be productive. If it is possible to do it in a place where the cost is less, you can do it, provided there are competent doctors to do the surgery

3.  How will I know the cost of Tonsillectomy in my area?

You can go to the nearest hospital where such a procedure is done to ask or browse online to have an idea of the cost in your area

  1. How do I prepare for Tonsillectomy?

This is best described by the operating team, they will explain this to you before the surgery.