There are a lot of really great abilities packed into those 1st and 2nd class levels. And certain character classes have cap stone abilities that aren’t that great, so sometimes it’s worth it to take a level or even 2 levels of another class. Because even if you go all the way to 20 levels, you’re not really missing out on a whole lot. So let’s see which multiclass dips make the most sense for 5e.

10. Wizard

Wizards dips can be great. But dipping two levels into a Divination School Wizard can come in very clutch. Taking Wizard alone can give a character the Cantrip Firebolt which levels up not with Wizard levels, but with Character levels. Then Wizards get a Spellbook which, at level 2, allows them to gain access to basically every 1st level spell, which is the largest spell list in Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Classes with spellcasting benefit from the wider spell pool. But the real reason one would want to go for Divination Wizard is because of Portent. A savvy player can use Portent to make a Beholder fail a Dexterity save, a Barbarian save a Wisdom save, or a Paladin land a critical Smite. Worth snagging.

9. Druid

Druid dips are common for those who want access to Wild Shape. Wild Shape is a fun and useful ability because it allows someone to turn into something, small like a rat or spider, and use it to scurry about and scout an area. No one is going to be suspicious of a rat. Druids also get access to the Circle of the Moon at 2nd level, which allows the Druid to turn into better beast shapes which can bump up the caster’s Hit Points. This class synergizes well with Barbarians and will allow a Barbarian to play the class differently than most.

8. Warlock

Warlock is usually taken for roleplay reasons in 5e. But mechanically, they offer a lot of synergy with Charisma based classes. Paladins and Sorcerers make good combinations with a level dip. Dipping into Warlock makes a great combination for Paladin and Sorcerers that already rely on Charisma as a primary ability. Paladin-Warlocks use their Charisma score a lot. With a Pact of the Blade weapon, attacks now use a character’s Charisma modifier for attacks. Paladins and Warlocks rely on their Charisma ability scores to cast any of their spells, too. This combination could be made even better by a race that gets a bonus to their Charisma score. Warlocks can use their spell slots for a Paladin’s Divine Smite, which replenish after a short rest, so a Paladin can use their Divine Smite more liberally. Sorcerers that take a level dip into Warlock become one of the best spell slingers that D&D can offer. Sorcerers use Meta Magic like Quicken Spell and Empower Spell too, which can be used with Eldritch Blast to do a lot of damage at higher levels. A short rest can be used by Sorcerer-Warlocks to regain spell slots, which can be converted to regain Sorcery Points for even more Meta Magic. The downside to multiclassing as a spellcaster is that they give up higher leveled spellcasting. Regardless, this combination makes for a very powerful blaster mage.

7. Bard

Getting a level dip in Bard gives Bardic Inspiration. Bardic Inspiration is incredibly helpful, but it’s one of those abilities that gets better with more levels… still, every little bit helps. Multiclassing into a Bard gives Jack of all Trades, which gives half a character’s proficiency bonus to every skill they’re not proficient with – including Initiative checks. Dipping into Bard is helpful for everyone in the party.

6. Cleric

Clerics get their domain features at first level, which opens up a lot of options. It’s also worth mentioning that a multiclass dip into Cleric is one of the only ways to get proficiency in Heavy Armor with a level dip. Heavy Armor proficiency is available to the Tempest, Life, Nature, and War Domain clerics. Some of these domains even give proficiency in Martial Weapons. Combining a Wizard with a Cleric will make the perfect battle mage. Wizards are, arguably, the best spellcasters in 5e. But combo that with proficiency in Heavy Armor and Martial Weapons and they’ll be a physical force to be reckoned with. Blade Singers that go the way of the War Domain Cleric get an extra attack, proficiency in Heavy Armor, but delay spell casting by about 1 level. Still, Clerics gets Bless, Healing Word, and Guiding Bolt, so there’s a lot of options here.

5. Paladin

Paladins get Divine Sense and Lay on Hands at 1st level. But Paladin spell casting come in at 2nd level. Most players know by now that to multiclass in Paladin means they get to use Smite, too. Combining a Paladin with any other class that gives Spell Slots is awesome. Eldritch Knights with a 2-level dip in Paladin is a lot of fun. One thing to keep in mind is that a Paladin’s Lay On Hands isn’t considered a spell, so it could potentially be used with other spell casting or even Barbarian Rage. Just have fun trying to angrily heal wounds.

4. Monk

Monks give plenty of abilities with a 2-level multiclass dip. They give Martial Arts, Unarmored Movement, and Unarmored Defense, which are all incredibly helpful. A Monk multiclass gives a lot of options for battle and mobility, at the cost of just 2 levels. Monk level dips are popular with Rogues for sure, as both take advantage of finessable weapons, don’t rely heavily on armor, and both benefit by the increased movement.

3. Barbarian

Barbarians offes some amazing options at 1st and 2nd level, so they’re for sure a multiclass to play around with. Barbarians get unarmored defense since most Dexterity focused characters get better AC without armor. But the real reason to go Barbarian is because of Rage. That extra damage from Rage and extra resistance is extremely useful for melee combatants. At 2nd level, Barbarians get Reckless Attack, which is great for martial classes to get an extra bump in damage. Sure, Reckless Attack gives an enemy a better chance at hitting. But the benefit of getting a better chance at landing a crit could be well worth it. Try combining a Rogue with a couple of Barbarian levels for reckless attack, and almost all attacks become sneak attacks.

2. Rogue

The Rogue is one of the best multiclass dips in the game. Getting sneak attack with a one level investment isn’t too big of a deal. But getting extra damage is always good. Rogues also get Expertise, which lets a player become really good at skill checks. The best part of a Rogue multiclass level dip is Cunning Action, as it’s one of the best abilities in the game. By using a bonus action, a Rogue can dash, disengage, or hide. So those Bonus Actions will rarely be unused. Going down the Assassin route guarantees a critical hit on any creature that’s surprised. Combine this with a good Dexterity score for sneaking, and any enemy can be taken down before they even take their turn.

1. Fighter

Fighters have, hands down, one of the best abilities in the game – Action Surge. With Action Surge, spellcasters can break the usual rules of spellcasting by being able to cast more than one spell per round. Any player running a Fighter as a multiclass dip has fighting style and second wind, to give some health recovery as a bonus action. Not bad at all. If you’re a spellcaster of any kind, Fighter also gives you all your proficiencies such as medium and light armor proficiency. A beastly pairing indeed.