These are the most played LoL champions in ranked mode for February 2017. Let’s take a look at who made the cut, how many games they saw this month, and what their win rates were. (All stats taken from LolKing.)

10. Yasuo

Games Played: 751,112 Win Rate: 50. 0%

9. Morgana

Games Played: 751,305 Win Rate: 50. 9%

8. Lux

Games Played: 775,869 Win Rate: 49. 9%

7. Kha’Zix

Games Played: 809,199 Win Rate: 48. 5%

6. Ezreal

Games Played: 982,896 Win Rate: 47. 4%

5. Vayne

Games Played: 1,001,209 Win Rate: 48. 3%

4. Jhin

Games Played: 1,099,808 Win Rate: 51. 2%

3. Lee Sin

Games Played: 1,331,685 Win Rate: 47. 4%

2. Caitlyn

Games Played: 1,339,073 Win Rate: 49. 6%

1. Thresh

Games Played: 1,350,961  Win Rate: 48. 0%

The Chain Warden has come out on top this month, seeing nearly 1.4 million games just this month! This Controller’s Death Sentences have been dominating the Rift in ranked so far, but only time will tell if he can keep reigning supreme. 

Who are your favorite League of Legends champions for the month? Let me know down in the comments!