What are the requirements to become a top Dasher?

The criteria to be a dasher are pretty tough, but if a worker manages to attain them, their status would be elevated on the first day of the next month.

When a Dasher reached specific criteria in deliveries and completing challenges at the end of the month, their status was upgraded to a ‘Top Dasher’. This feature enables a driver to enjoy many benefits a regular dasher would not.

The company hoped to encourage diligent workers to maintain their hard work and, in turn, motivate regular dashers to increase their quota too.

The plan was a success, the company noticed an increase in delivery acceptance rates even for the low-paying deliveries and steadily, more and more workers became to dashers.

High customer rating.

 Doordash requires its workers to have a rating of at least 4.7 at the end of every month. It’s quite an easy task to meet, considering the company can be deactivate a worker for getting a low rating. A dasher must be on time with delivery and very polite to customers to ensure high ratings.

70% Acception rate

Acception rate is another factor Doordash considers. Riders sometimes choose to decline orders even when they are in the area, and this is mainly because the pay on the delivery is relatively low. So the company decided on this criteria to make workers take up more orders.

95% Completion rate.

Accepting is also entirely different from delivery. There are cases where the delivery may not get to the customer in cases of accidents and such. These events, while mostly scarce, reduce your completion rate, most time, it’s almost certain if you accept an order, you’ll deliver it, but if a rider does not achieve a high completion rate, then this status cannot be achieved. 

200 total deliveries and 100 deliveries a month.

New workers will have to work for a while before they can enjoy this status as Doordash requires that riders would have to complete 200 deliveries in their working lifetime to qualify and also a 100 deliveries by the end of the month to be considered.

Benefits of Being a Top Dasher.

Once a Dasher has obtained this status, these benefits can now be enjoyed; they; they go as follows:

Priority on Deliveries.

A Top Dasher gets to enjoy an increased number of deliveries. They are constantly offered deliveries over regular dashers in the area.

High-Value Orders.

Deliveries with a pay of over 35 dollars do not come as often for regular workers as top dashers; they enjoy more deliveries with a high income, ensuring they get better tips and a higher wage.

‘Dash Now’ Feature

Doordash has two zones on their maps. The red zone means that workers can operate in that location, but a gray zone means that there are enough riders in that area. With ‘Dash Now,’ top riders can work in any of these zones at any time, regardless of how busy the area is. It allows them to work on their schedule, unlike regular dashers.


Top Dashers can see themselves earning up to 1000 dollars a month with these benefits; some top dashers claim not to notice the difference from when they were regularly dashing, but many have testified to an improved work ratio and pay in their time as a ‘Top Dasher.’ We covered the top dasher requirements and benefits.

How long does being a top dasher last?

Riders will remain a top dasher throughout the month they were selected for the program. However, if a rider does not meet the criteria, the accomplished before the end of the month, they would be stripped of the status.

Is the Top Dasher worth it?

Some riders would claim it is, and some say it isn’t. However, some of the benefits of a Top Dasher can be worked around in a way that regular dashers can use, like the Dash now feature. Also the requirement of 70% acceptance rate proves to be relatively unprofitable, considering a rider would have to accept low-paying orders to need up with the quota.