Along with these teasers, Creative Assembly has also released the unit rosters for each playable faction. So players can see exactly what they’ll have at their disposal when they dive into this new Warhammer experience. In this short guide, we’ve collected the rosters for every faction in the game. From Dinosaurs, Giant Rats, all the way to Dragons, here’s everything you need to know about these units.

Skaven Unit Roster for Warhammer 2

The Skaven are a divided race. Seldom do they agree upon anything any – even more seldom do they offer assistance to other clans without the threat of force. These Ratmen will have two playable Lords to choose from in Warhammer 2. There’s Queek Head Taker (the most infamous and powerful Warlord clan Mors has ever known), and Lord Skrolk (a plaguelord from clan Pestilen). 

Below is the full roster for the Skaven faction and its units:


Skaven Grey Seers can either be on foot, or mounted on Screaming Bells – an unholy battle altar that empowers the lesser Skaven hoards, while instilling dread in the foes who hear its morale-shattering tolls. Warlords can either be on foot or mounted on Bonebreaker Rat Ogres. Plague Priest Heroes can be mounted on Plague Furnaces.

Overall, the Skaven seem to be rather polearm heavy with their melee units. They also have quite an extensive and interesting ranged roster that seems to be dominated by clan Eshin soldiers – including all Night, Gutter, and Death Runners.


High Elves Unit Roster for Warhammer 2

The two playable lords for the High Elves are the Twins Tyrion and Teclis. Tyrion rose to power through skill and valiance, he is fiercely loyal to the Phoenix King Finubar. His twin brother, Teclis, is regarded as one of the world’s most powerful sorcerers.


Tyrion can engage in battle either on foot or mounted upon Malhanhir – an Elven steed. The same is true for Tecils, except he may ride upon a Barded Ithilmar Steed. Princes, Princesses, and the Mage hero units may ride upon Elven steeds – though the Mage may also mount Great Eagles or dragons.

It certainly seems as if the strength of the High Elves will come from their cavalry and flying units, since there’s only a small variety of infantry to choose from.

The Dark Elves Unit Roster for Warhammer 2

Leading the Dark Elves is Malekith, who has lived for thousands of years – gaining magical power longer than most mortals can comprehend time. Having tried to claim Ulthuan millennia ago, he was scoured by fire and near death. That is when his own mother, Morathi, seared black metal plates onto his skin and used dark magics to keep him alive. 


Malekith can be mounted upon a Dark Elf Steed, a Chariot, or Seraphon (a Black Dragon). Morathi is always mounted on Sulephet – a Dark Pegasus. Various generic lords can be mounted on standard Cold One horses, chariots, or a black dragon.

The Dark Elves are going to have battle lines that will be hard to address, because their roster is dominated by Hybrid Infantry – units with a mixture of melee and ranged capabilities. (That is, if you can get past the heavy cavalry screens and Hydras.)

Lizardmen Unit Roster for Warhammer 2

This faction’s units are lead by Lord Mazdamundi – the oldest living Slaan. His ability to control the winds of magic is rivaled only by the most powerful of all beings. The other lord, Kroq-Gar, is the only survivor of the temple-city of Xhotl. Having been bred for the sole purpose of war, he a master of direct combat.


Like all Slaan, Lord Mazdamundi never directly touches the ground – as that would interrupt his ability to channel the winds of magic. He can be mounted on a standard platform or atop the ancient Stegadon, Zlaaq. Kroq-Gar can enter battle on foot, upon a Cold One or a Horned one, or on the back of Grymloq (a Carnosaur).

Riding giant dinosaurs into battle sounds pretty awesome. It’s exactly what the Lizardmen do – and boy, do they do it well. Their monster-packed and cavalry-heavy unit roster means that the Lizardmen are going to be able to dish out and take a pounding. 

Mods Are a Wonderful Thing

If you think that this current list is impressive, just wait until mods add even more creatures and units into the fray. I’m sure the Lizardmen alone will be the target for a modding campaign to add even more lovable dinosaurs to use in the future. Giant Ratmen and Triceratops-looking creatures doing battle while a giant Toad floats by sounds like a pretty epic confrontation.

Total War: Warhammer 2 launches in less than a month. So be prepared to do battle, pick your sides, and get ready to place yourselves into a world of Total War.