These spirits can add a lot to your combat, but they’re so numerous that it can be difficult to tell which one will work best for you. And even then, you have to figure out how to get the soul before it can fight by your side. 

This guide will go over each spirit and give you their name, ability, and how you can obtain them. Most mitama are obtainable from quests, side quests, or defeating certain monsters on certain difficulties. But some are only available via DLC that’s being released over time. 

ATK Mitama -  This battle type focuses on boosting your attack.


DEF Mitama - This battle type focuses on boosting your  defensive capabilities. 


SPD Mitama -  This battle type is dedicated to agile and fast attacks.


HLG Mitama - This battle type is dedicated to boosting your healing and recovery abilities.


SPT Mitama - This style specializes in ranged attacks that uses your spirit to boost your skills.


Attacking from behind improve your chances for a well aimed blow.


SPC Mitama - This excels in the control of  space and aiding your team. It reduces skill cooldown.


LCK Mitama - This style uses Luck where  you can restore one of your skills.


SUP Mitama - This style is suited to help your allies  where you can supply your weapon gauge to others.


PLN Mitama -  This style is dedicated to focusing in destroying demon limbs.


Con Mitama -  These mitama allow you summon an oni construct to aid you in battle.


Hopefully this guide helps you on your quest to save the world.  The awesome part of the mitamas is that you can equip 3 for additional bonuses that normally can’t bee accessed otherwise. So make sure to mix and match to get the most our your abilities.

Note: This guide was made by the hardworking efforts of the gamefaqs community.