Toyota has now become one of the world’s largest automobile manufacturers, as they now manufacture around 10 million vehicles per year. The company has a net income or revenue of 228.3 million yen, and they have more than 360 thousand employees.

Toyota’s Customer Loyalty Program

The Toyota Loyalty Service works this way: the more you use your service, the more you save.

Now, becoming a member of the Toyota loyalty program isn’t difficult as you just need to buy a Toyota car or lease one, and if you already have a Toyota car, then you are already a member, so you don’t have to pay any extra charges for it.

How does the loyalty program help you to earn more?

The Loyalty Program helps you earn reward points every time you service a car, and after you reach a point goal, you will be given a loyalty certificate which will allow you to redeem your points to save money on the next service of your vehicle. And how will you know how many points you have earned? Every time you go to the service center, your bill will consist of the reward points you have earned and the total reward points count.

Conditions of using The loyalty program

You should always read the terms and conditions of every loyalty program you enroll in. The terms and conditions of Toyota are as follows:Eligibility: Every person who is 18 or more years old can enroll. Earning Points:

You earn every point for every dollar you spend, so if you spend $1, you will get 1 reward point. And after accumulating 300 reward points, you can redeem them and you will get $20 off on your next service. One coupon can be redeemed only once and there is a limit of reward points. You cannot accumulate more than 2999 reward points at a time. You will need to reclaim it.  The problem with that is that you will have to collect all the 300 points at one dealer. You cannot have 100 points at Dealer A and 150 at Dealer B and 200 at Dealer C. If this is the case, you cannot redeem as your total reward at only one service center is counted.  And once you have taken the certificate to redeem, it will be valid for only 6 months. After that, it will be considered null and void.

If you have any problems, you can contact the headquarters of Toyota USA in Daytona Beach at the number 18882622424. Privacy: The information gathered from customers for the loyalty program will be used following the privacy policies established.

Toyota’s loyalty program benefits

Whenever your reward certificate is ready, they will email you, and you can use it for your next service. You can also redeem multiple certificates at one time at a Toyota service station. You just need to take the certificate to the Toyota service center and they will cash out the amount redeemed for you. And if you have one Toyota in your home and the other cars are from different manufacturers, you will receive reward points if you serve them at a Toyota center.

Toyota’s loyalty program eligibility criteria

To get qualified for the Toyota loyalty program, the customer just needs to be 18 years of age or older and should have a credit or debit card. The next criteria are that they should have a Toyota car, and it can be either bought or leased. Whenever you first give your car for service, your loyalty program is started, and for the old customers, the loyalty program started in April 2013, when it was first started by the company.

Toyota’s loyalty costs

The cost of the Toyota loyalty program is free. The only requirement is that you have a Toyota car. When you give for service, you will get points. 


So getting a loyalty program is not a bad idea. Toyota’s loyalty program is a win-win situation for their members, and if you see, in the long run, it’s cheaper and you also get several discounts, as you get good service discounts and if you have been a member for a long time, the discounts just get bigger.

Can points and certificates be combined if they are from different dealerships?

No, they are only valid for that dealership and can be issued only there.

What month does Toyota have the best deals?

In late December, which is Christmas time, Toyota has the best discounts.